Build on Bloom at ETHDenver

Starting next Friday, come join us for a fun weekend of creativity and development at ETHDenver!
- When: February 15 - 17
- Where: The Sports Castle, Denver, CO
We’ve built a strong developer ecosystem, supporting development on the Bloom Protocol. Now join us at ETHDenver as we continue to foster our developer ecosystem and work to build even more new applications on top of the protocol!
About ETHDenver: The ETHDenver #BUIDLATHON is about bringing together like minds around a common purpose. Distributed computing is the future, and Colorado is a leading community supporting this emerging technology.
Bloom: $5,000 in Prizes
Best Dapps Built with Bloom Protocol will receive $5,000 in prizes!
$2,500: Best Application Integrating Decentralized Identity
$1,500: Best Lending Application
$1,000: Most Creative Submission
What is the Bloom Protocol?
Bloom Protocol is an end-to-end protocol for decentralized login, identity, and credit scoring. With Bloom Protocol, you can verify a user’s identity, reduce the risk of fraud, and build compliant financial applications, all without sacrificing user privacy or risking data breaches. You can do this without taking custody of a user’s personal data, and without relying on centralized systems. The user holds the keys to release their data and you can be sure the data they are sharing has been independently verified.
In the decentralized world, verifying a user’s phone number, email, or identity is a challenge. Who stores this data? Is it safe? Will a user want to release this information? Bloom Protocol solves these challenges by creating a fully decentralized attestation system.
Similar to an endorsement on LinkedIn, or an entry on a consumer’s credit file, these “attestations” are written to a user’s “BloomID.” A user claims a BloomID, and completes these attestations via the Bloom dApp or via a signup form on your application. Then, you can check the authenticity of these verifications using the Bloom Protocol Attestation Kit.
Built on Bloom
Our last hackathon, ETHSF, was quite the success, with multiple developers building applications on the Bloom Protocol. Here are some of the projects that came out of ETHSF in October:
- BlocuSign Makes Digital Signatures Provable and Secure with BloomID
- Lending Party Lets Anyone Get a Decentralized Fiat Loan with Bloom Protocol
- SendPut Makes Employee Reimbursements Instant with Bloom Protocol
What can you build using the Bloom Protocol?
Examples of features that Bloom Protocol currently supports:
- Login a user with BloomID
- Check if a user has a verified email
- Check if a user has a verified phone number
- Check if a user has verified their social network accounts
- Perform identity verification and KYC
- Ask a user to share specific information
Get creative!
Bloom supports a wide-range of attestation data types, including email, phone, social media accounts, sanction screens, PEP screens, ID documents, and financial data, and we are constantly adding new ones. So if you have an idea for an attestation type for your app just mock it for demo purposes and we’ll consider adding it for everyone!
Ideas for applications that can be built using Bloom Protocol:
Bloom can be leveraged for all kinds of creative and interesting applications. Here are some fun, novel ideas for applications that could likely be built on Bloom Protocol over the course of a hackathon:
Smart Lock: Revocable, permission grants for BloomIDs, whereby Alice grants Bob’s email address access to an entity, e.g. a raspberry pi powered door, for a specified period of time. Bob scans share-kit QR code, proving he owns the email and opens hardware lock. Potential use-cases include bike sharing, home security, and safes.
Secure Chat Verification: Need to verify that the person you are talking to is who they say they are? Send Alice a link or show her a QR code on your site, Alice scans/signs to verify identity. Potential use-cases: email chat, text message conversations, and digital meetings.
On-Chain Relationship Status: An app that ties two BloomID’s together to prove they are together, and check to make sure the person you met is not in a relationship. Write a user’s relationship status to their Bloom ID to cryptographically show that someone is taken or single!
Verified Airdrops: BloomID verified airdrops. Make sure you’re only giving one token airdrop to one unique person so they can’t game the system.
Concert Ticket Pickup: Use BloomID to pick-up concert tickets at will-call to fight scalping.
Verified Dating: A Tinder or Bumble-like dating app where a user’s identity has been verified behind the scenes. Users know they are interacting with a real person, and can exchange verified contact information when ready.
Qualification Tests for Freelancers: Take a test, write the results of that test to a BloomID. This could be used for decentralized job boards, job applications, and more.
Verified References: Current letters of recommendation from employers or individuals can easily be faked. With a BloomID reference, you can cryptographically prove that the person’s manager actually wrote the letter.
Get Started Building on Bloom Protocol
Quickly and easily start developing on top of the Bloom Protocol with Bloom Starter. Getting started with integrating a third-party ecosystem can seem daunting. Bloom Starter aims to ease this pain by providing simple starting points for integrating Bloom into your app.
We use a Typescript + React + Express stack, which is available under the Bloom Starter repo here. This is a very simple integration that renders a QR Code via Share Kit and manages users with a session.
For a full step-by-step guide on getting Bloom Starter up and running, check out our Bloom workshop video or our blog post.
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