Announcing Meme Contest Winners
We are excited to announce the winners of the Bloom Meme Contest!
Thank you to everyone who submitted entries to the meme contest! The Bloom Meme Contest was a hugely successful, fun community-driven event. We are rewarding BLT to people who submitted top-quality memes. We were looking for community members to get creative and show your Bloom pride. And boy, did you guys deliver.
You delighted us, you made us think, you left us in awe of your talent and dedication.
It was a fun way to help drive more awareness about Bloom, Bloom’s mission, and to distribute Bloom Tokens to some individuals who are new to the project. We are incredibly thankful for the people who participated in the contest.
You can check out meme contest submissions here in an album on Imgur. Feel free to use them wherever you like to spread the word about Bloom!
It’s now time to share the winners and some honorable mentions!
First Place: Bloom Story
When this submission came into our Telegram, everyone was blown away by Jeremy A’s Bloom Story. It was a clear winner. The amount of time that went into converting Toy Story into Bloom Story, the attention to detail with the Etch-A-Sketch and Jesse’s hair, simply made it second to none.
Congratulations to Jeremy on taking first place, and the prize of 500 BLT!
Second Place: Star Wars
Laughter. This was the immediate response when our eyes laid upon this submission. It is not only funny, but also topical. And of course, uses a reference most Millennials and Gen-Xers will appreciate… Star Wars!
It captures so many important references: captures the sentiment when Equifax can’t do right by us and brings in our love of all things space and sci-fi. Erez hit the nail on the head.
250 BLT for you!

Third Place: Facing the Herd
For our last winning entry, we come back to Earth and see nature in action. Bloom may be small now, but we are mighty and won’t back down to a challenge. This fighting spirit is captured perfectly by these bulls trying to intimidate a goose, only to be pushed back! Jordan featured the current state of things in a clever way, and earns 100 BLT for his imagination!

Honorable Mentions
We felt we needed to take a moment to recognize some other, fantastic contest entries who are also being awarded some additional BLT! In no particular order, they are:
This was Jeremy’s first submission, and it was so good we had to use it as the intro for our February Community Livestream! 🎶We like to party, we like, we like to party!🎶
And of course, so many others…

Thanks for reading! In the meantime, keep an eye out for the next community livestream, and more details on the Phase 2 launch! Ciao Bloomers and Bloominaries!