Announcing First Round of Developer Bounties

Bloom is very excited to launch our first round of developer-focused bounties. In the coming weeks, we will be opening bounties for reviewing protocol documentation, helping open source internal tools, adding enhanced smart contract analysis tools to our test suite and more.
It is incredibly important for more individuals to participate in the protocol in a variety of ways, and opening up opportunities for direct engagement will only strengthen the Bloom protocol and ecosystem.
Here are the first bounties opened, which you can participate in via Gitcoin.
Bounty #1: Complete the README documentation
Reward: 0.2 ETH
Gitcoin Issue:
Dec 19 Update: This bounty is complete.
Reproduce the documentation found at in the GitHub README. Include all pages in the Bloom Attestation Kit section. Submit your work as a pull request on the attestation kit repo. The Bloom team will review the pull request for accuracy and will request at most 2 revisions. Submissions will be reviewed by the Bloom team and rewards will be issued according to the judged effort, accuracy and impact.
Bounty #2: Review the Bloom Smart Contract documentation for inaccuracies, clarity or errors
Reward: 0.1 ETH — 0.3 ETH
Gitcoin Issue:
Dec 19 Update: This bounty is complete.
Read the documentation found at Answer the following questions and submit your answers as a comment on this issue.
- In your own words, describe a high-level overview of Bloom’s smart contract architecture.
- Identify any inaccuracies in the documentation when compared to the solidity code on GitHub
- Identify any sections of the documentation that lack clarity
- Identify any typos in the documentation
Submissions will be reviewed by the Bloom team and rewards will be issued according to the judged effort, accuracy and impact.
Bounty #3: Review the Bloom Smart Contracts for bugs
Reward: 0.25 ETH — 5 ETH (depending on severity)
Gitcoin Issue:
Review the smart contracts and tests in this repository. Identify and propose a fix for a bug. Submissions will be reviewed by the Bloom team and rewards will be issued according to the severity.
Bounty #4: Review the Bloom Attestation Kit documentation for inaccuracies, clarity or errors
Reward: 0.1 ETH — 0.3 ETH
Gitcoin Issue:
Dec 19 Update: This bounty is complete.
Read the documentation found at Answer the following questions and submit your answers as a comment on this issue.
- In your own words, what is the purpose of the Bloom Attestation Kit?
- Identify any inaccuracies in the documentation when compared to the API code on GitHub
- Identify any sections of the documentation that lack clarity
- Identify any typos in the documentation
Submissions will be reviewed by the Bloom team and rewards will be issued according to the judged effort, accuracy and impact.
Bounty #5: Review the Bloom Share Kit documentation for inaccuracies, clarity or errors
Reward: 0.1 ETH — 0.3 ETH
Gitcoin Issue:
Dec 19 Update: This bounty is complete.
Read the documentation found at Answer the following questions and submit your answers as a comment on this issue.
- In your own words, what is the purpose of the Bloom Share Kit?
- Identify any inaccuracies in the documentation when compared to the API code on GitHub
- Identify any sections of the documentation that lack clarity
- Identify any typos in the documentation
Submissions will be reviewed by the Bloom team and rewards will be issued according to the judged effort, accuracy and impact.
Bounty #6: Complete the Share Kit Sign-In example
Reward: 2 ETH
Gitcoin Issue:
Complete the tutorial in the share kit readme here: Using Share-Kit for BloomID Sign-In. Include sample code and screenshots.
Happy Bounty Hunting!
We look forward to working closely with all bounty participants. Bloom has team members ready to help in the Gitcoin Slack community, our public Slack in the #integrations channel, and via email at If you have any questions or need help, please get in touch!
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About Bloom
Bloom is a blockchain solution for identity security and cross-border credit scoring, restoring ownership and control of identity information and financial data back to consumers. By decentralizing the way that information is shared between untrusted parties, the system reduces the risk of identity theft and minimizes costs associated with customer on-boarding, compliance and fraud prevention.
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