Bloom’s August Episode Will Make You Realize the Power of UX— Going Live August 31st

Each month, the Bloom livestream features the latest updates, demos upcoming features, and announces key partnerships and news. It’s one of the most informative pieces of content we create and consistently gets hundreds to thousands of viewers.

This month, we’re taking a great step forward. We are converting the livestream to a 30 minute custom show, coupled with more engaging sessions and detailed content.

This step forward will allow us to reach new audiences in a big way.

Mark your calendar!

Tune in this Friday, August 31, 10am PT to the Bloom Youtube Channel.

August’s episode focuses on: Driving Blockchain Adoption Through Good UX.

Click here to add this to your calendar:

* Updates to your calendar can take a little while. 

Expanding Our Audience

This show is more than just 30 minutes of updates. We’re diving deep into fundamental issues facing Blockchain projects, detailed technical solutions to hard challenges, and going behind the scenes into Bloom updates and beyond.

More importantly, as a show, we’re able to expand the possibilities. We can increase the creativity, extend the marketing efforts, and a reach a wider, larger audience.

With more extensive programming, interesting formats and new guests, we expect this show to raise even more awareness about Bloom and the technology.

August’s Topic: Driving Blockchain Adoption Through Good UX

Great user experiences enable product adoption by enabling the end user to seamlessly navigate through the user journey. This Thursday, we will address:

  • Moving Technical Features to the Background: Abstracting the Blockchain
  • Optimizing Around User Experience without Compromising Security
  • Make Features People will Love
  • Have a Vision in Mind

In particular, we’ll share how good UX, such as low-cost reusability and gamification can improve data sharing.

Each month, we will pick a key topic. You will receive key updates, hear the latest about Bloom and get insights into new topics surrounding finance, blockchain, lending, data sharing, security and more.

Stay tuned for more info this Friday at 10am PT.