Bloom iOS App Launches — Protecting Your Data with Blockchain Security

Today, we are very happy to share that the highly anticipated Bloom iPhone dapp is now LIVE in the App Store. (Click here to Download)

After more than a year of development and thousands of new users, the Bloom iOS app release marks a revolution in the way individuals control their data. For the first time, you have the power to decide exactly how your data is used, preventing predatory third parties from accessing your data and greatly reducing the risk of identity theft.

The release of the app is a huge milestone for the global identity ecosystem and the broader blockchain community. This streamlined experience allows users to interface with blockchain in an entirely novel way, one that does not require gas fees, MetaMask, or technical knowledge.

You can download the Bloom App here.

As we’ve advocated from the beginning, the success of blockchain product adoption will be highly dependent on fantastic user experiences. This means providing easy onboarding and clear actions. With mobile usage growing at a rapid rate, many prefer mobile as their primary device of choice. According to Statistica, 50.3% of all worldwide online traffic was generated through mobile phones in the last year.

The Miracle of Owning Your Own Data is Finally Here

Riddled with scams, dark markets, and illegal underground sources of data, identity breaches and fraud is climbing at alarming rates. In the US alone, more than 10,000 companies are pooling and selling your personal data — governments are struggling to curb the epidemic. While policies like GDPR attempt to mitigate the global data crisis, the problem is only getting worse.

Every moment, servers are logging, cataloging, and selling your personal, private information.

In the past, consumers had little recourse, calling central data collection firms a “necessary evil”, but with Bloom’s advancements and technical innovation, there is a new path.

The Bloom dapp gives you the power to take back their data. We give users the power to own their own data and decide how it’s used, how it’s sold.

With Bloom:

  • You own your data
  • You control access to your data
  • You decide when you share your data and who you share it with

We are building Bloom to bring credit to the modern age. Major Fortune 500 brands have already announced their intent to adopt Bloom’s technology.

Getting Started with the Bloom Mobile App

Download the Bloom app to access many of the amazing latest features, build a secure digital identity, and take back control over your data. Through the app you will now able to:

  • Create your BloomID
  • Link your existing BloomID
  • Vote in the latest polls
  • Access transaction-free voting
  • Complete phone attestations
  • Complete email attestations
  • Complete social attestations: LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook
  • Get the latest Bloom updates
  • Link across your devices
  • Setup your ID for expedited use later
  • Be among first to access the future of credit

For new users, the mobile app walks you through the BloomID signup process in a streamlined onboarding.

Experience a secure onboarding with TouchID and TypingID.

Vote in Polls

Check out the latest polls and make your voice heard by casting transaction fee free votes. Transaction-free voting is the next stage of voting enabling more people to have a voice in protocol-level decisions. Login to Bloom to view the latest in polls!

You can also now link your mobile Bloom app to your web account. By having multiple wallets linked to the same BloomID, users can keep their BLT safe in offline cold storage, but still exert your full influence on polls by voting from a linked wallet.

Complete Attestations

Attestations help verify your identity and strengthen your BloomID. You can now link multiple social media accounts to your BloomID, complete a verified sanction screen, and complete your email and phone attestations. Social attestations include: Facebook, LinkedIn, Google and Twitter. To learn more, build out your profile and check out the latest attestations in the app.

Download the Bloom App and Take Back Control of Your Data Today

Download the Bloom mobile app here.

We would love to hear your thoughts. Please download and hop in our Slack and Telegram to share your app experience with us.

To learn more about the latest with Bloom: