Bloom Validator

Issue credentials backed by our trusted set of data providers

Credential issuance

Leverage our curated selection of trusted data providers in your application and access data sources you didn’t know existed.

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Verify anything about anyone

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Securely reduce fraud

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Track cryptographic integrity

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Issue tamper-proof credentials

Traditional and alternative data sources. All Bloom-verified, for use in your application.

Connect to your existing SaaS products

Improve the way your organization manages data and the source of truth with integrated integrity checks and lifecycle management.

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We already integrated so you don’t have to

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Don't let stale data impact business decisions

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“Push-button deploy” on premises or the cloud

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Future-proof compliance

Compliant with GDPR and KYC/AML regulations out-of-the-box.

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Works natively with breach resistant storage solutions

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Audit trails for how data moves through the system

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Consent tracking every time data is moved

Bloom SourceSpring

Push your user data to the edges

Seamless Experience

Enable your users to use their experience on your platform to benefit them wherever they go.

Increase Trust

Increase trust with your users.

Strengthen Relationships

Leverage your data to strengthen your relationship with your customers. By opening your data, create new opportunities for your customers, and grow alongside them.

Connect Your Users

Connect your users with the appropriate products and services.

Bloom SafeSwap

When any partner on the network identifies fraud, that signal is shared with the whole network.

Pool data to reduce fraud

Share risk between companiesSecurely reduce fraud by pooling data without exposing it.

Industry Solutions


Validations for banking

Leverage your data to strengthen your relationship with your customers. By opening your data, create new opportunities for your customers, and grow alongside them.

Key Products

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Validations for banking

Leverage your data to strengthen your relationship with your customers. By opening your data, create new opportunities for your customers, and grow alongside them.

Key Products

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Interested in learning more?

Let’s talk about how Bloom can help your business make smarter decisions.